Lose Weight Fast Training Only 3 and a Half Hours a Week!


Lose Weight Fast Training
You don't need a lot of time to exercise for weight loss. 3.5 hours a week is all you need following a combined cardio & resistance training program.
Firstly you need to plan your exercise routine for the week. Writing this down in your diary helps reinforce what is required on that day. Over 6 days in the week, you need to alternate 3 cardio sessions and 3 resistance training sessions, with 1 day a week rest. For example: Monday, Wednesday & Friday do cardio exercise and Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday do resistance training.
An efficient cardio session can be done in 20 minutes, and your resistance training sessions should take no longer than 50 minutes. Adding all that up is 210 minutes per week or 3.5 hours. Your cardio sessions are only short so you have to work hard. Train interval style over the 20 minutes where your intensity starts off slow and gradually builds to maximum effort, then come back down and repeat the process. Good cardio exercises for this are running, cycling, cross-trainer or rower.
Resistance training sessions need to be alternated between upper & lower body. A good starting point would be 3 sets with reps 12/10/8 with 1 minute break in between for each muscle group. Make sure the resistance is enough; if you can easily lift the 8 reps in the third set, the weight is too light. When doing upper body work the chest, back, shoulders, biceps & triceps. Lower body work the quads, hamstrings, calves and abs.
For more tips on healthy eating and how to burn fat fast go to: http://www.thefatlosssecret.info
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Marsh
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4064430


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