Lose Weight Fast - Training Through A Cold Or Flu


Lose Weight Fast Training
If you want to lose weight fast consistency is king. So, if you can, you should do mild exercise when you have a cold or flu to keep the engine revving. Now there are two essential points; "if you can" and "mild exercise". This article will explain what both of those means. Before we get into the details remember that time off from working out and eating well are the things that will sideline your progress towards your fitness goals. This can lead to frustration and a drop in motivation and ultimately sabotage your drive to eat well and exercise regularly. If you want to lose weight you need to be dedicated, and that dedication will grow and grow becoming easier over time.
Exercise in general has been shown to boost the immune system but when you are fighting a cold or flu your immune system has been compromised and you don't want to over-stress it. This could end up delaying your recovery from your illness. Rather you want to dial down the intensity of your workouts and go at a moderate pace.
If you lift weights, drop the poundage so you are lifting 60% of what you usually lift. Do the same reps and exercises as you usually do avoiding the desire to go to failure or really push your limits. Doing so will help your strength bounce back to your top levels quicker after you recover from being sick.
As for cardiovascular exercise, moderation is the key. No sprinting or intervals when you are sick. An easy slow pace to just get your blood moving is all you need. Don't over-compensate with too much time doing cardio either. 20 to 30 minutes is enough. When trying to lose weight fast try not to get caught up too much in the amount of calories you burn each workout. Fitness is a journey, not a goal you can reach in a day. So remember exercising when you're sick is about momentum, you want to keep your body moving but you want to be very aware not to stress out your nervous system.
Now for the most important part; the question if you can workout? There are varying opinions on this subject. One measure is a neck up or neck down measurement. If your cold or flu symptoms are above the neck (runny nose, stuffy head, etc.) then it's okay to do mild exercise. If your symptoms are below the neck (stuffy chest, cough) then it's not okay. Another less specific measure is how you feel. If you can't make it to school or work due to being sick, then you sure as heck shouldn't be working out. On the other hand, if you're okay to do your duties for the day, mild exercise should be alright. At the end of the day you have to gauge it yourself. If you feel really out of sorts don't compound the issue with exercise. If you're just uncomfortable, hit the gym but keep the routine at an easy pace. It's making smart choices which lead to the quickest way to lose weight.
So to lose weight fast you need consistency, but within reason. If there is an overall message about fitness it is not to let excuses and obstacles get in the way of making fitness a part of your life each and every day. If you decide to dedicate yourself, in the long run you will lose weight and get to your desired goals. In fact, I would go so far as to say dedication will drive you past your goals and help you achieve things you never thought possible.
If you want to learn more about training through a cold and flu ask the people who know. ImpactFitnessInc.com will help you lose weight and get you powerful, lean, and feeling great.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Niall_Traynor

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6591892


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